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You should have probably just put these all on one piece rather than upload 3 separate recolors of the exact same image. That being said this is something that looks like it should be kept to DeviantArt and the like, I don't think Newgrounds is the best place for things like this.

xscar10 responds:

While I agree that this could have been one image, I wholeheartedly disagree that this shouldn't be on Newgrounds. While this is a place that might have higher standards, that doesn't mean that any one medium should be excluded due to someone's personal taste.

Is she supposed to look like that corset thing is keeping in a ton of bulging fat? Because with the lighting and the creases you gave her it looks like she'd just burst outta that thing if the straps were loosened.

EnvythisRoadRunner responds:

Yea, the character is generally kinda fat. So drawing her with a corset, I wanted her to look like she was trying to be supa sexy, but in reality, her thickness is showing through her outfit :P Thanks for noticing


Fnibble responds:

I completely understand what you are saying.

I work part time at a Piggly Wiggly and we're told to push plastic on the customers. I wan't told why, but it seems that almost all of our customers would be in trouble with this guy, lol.

Oh yeah, but customers only have to choose what kind of bag when they're checking out, so wouldn't that be too late for the monster guy to choose his victims based on that?

comicretard responds:

What, you don't go back to grocery stores? You go to a new one every time you need groceries? I guess to escape his rape you could just have your groceries delivered...


I thought it was a man from the thumbnail. Needs a lot of work in general I think in terms of proportion, but the lighting is nice and consistent.

Jakubias responds:

Thanks! Sorry but the proportions are quite accurate, she just was like this.

Lol what?

It's not cleat what's happening here.

RazorShader responds:

When the guy from the comic bends over to tie his shoelaces, the sensor doesn't detect him anymore and a cold stream of water flushes against his manly parts.

"He forgot to raise, but still managed to receive a royal flush."


I don't understand the title, and really I agree with the guy below me, just plain uninteresting.

smirkstudios responds:

You're also just plain uninteresting.

Not bad but....

Whats with all the swastikas?

jewdozer responds:

Swastika's are mathematical perfection. 88


I like the face a lot.
But the line work looks kinda messy.
Get a broom and clean that shit up, cuz there's a ten under there.
That was a metaphor by the way.

ciliath responds:

haha thanks,
i'll think about it the next time :)


I don't want to be a jerk but everything here just looks out of whack. His helmet isn't big enough i think and the anatomy and proportions are all messed up. The background also looks pretty poorly done. But the shading looks pretty consistent.
I know it was done quickly but this doesn't even look like it would be a good foundation. Hope I wasn't too harsh.

Walkingpalmtree responds:

Ah yes I am quiet aware that it does indeed suck.
Thanks for some of the highlights. I'll try to improve on those greatly if I ever do a speed paint again. I tend to be slow with stuff so doing things quickly is a recipe for distaster for me.
Thank you and harsh is not a problem.

I am an illustrator and independent game developer living and working out of Milwaukee. If you like my work please leave a review, and even better if you'd like me to work for you PM me for commissions, jobs, and anything else you might need! Thanks!

Logan @Lowgan

Age 30, Male


Joined on 11/21/10

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